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The Prater's Creek Gazette 22nd Issue Summer 2009 Page #8 |
As Compiled by Sports Editor Bubba McCalister and his brother Dorris
Dan Foster: An Appreciation
Dan Foster had great sense of humor too. One of my favorite columns from October 1977, my freshman year at Clemson, when the new Tiger head coach, Charlie Pell, and the players former coach Red Parker had recruited (see, that's a "Fosterism" right there!} was building a new winning tradition in Tigertown. Foster had recieved a scathing letter from a USC Gamecock fan accusing the writer of favoring Clemson in his columns. Foster replied: Why do you think I should continue to support a team which is not winning like it was two years ago? When Carolina was winning and was going to a bowl, Jim Carlen was my buddy, just like Charley Pell is my buddy now. Who needs either one of them when they are losing? When Furman wins, I put my arm around Art Baker and tell him he's the greatest. When Furman loses, I don't even speak to him. Well, be reasonable. Sports editors have feelings, and right now I am deeply hurt that somebody thinks I ought to loaf around with a team not going to a bowl. What I want is letters which tell me how great these pages are, that say you don't see how we do as much for all the teams as we do, and thank goodness for The Greenville News in your life. Insincerely yours, Dan Foster Brett Favre: If You Don't Go Away, How Can We Miss You? Usually, our days here at The Gazette's Sports desks, consist of me and my brother Dorris playing cards, swapping lies, and going out to watch the Prater's Creek High Ladies field hockey team's pleated skirts whirl about in a most delightful way. But this year's Brett Favre soap opera of "Is he or isn't he?" has kept us glued to our ham radio to get the latest. Last year we really didn't care, since he was going to the AFC, but now that he's coming back to the NFC North to compete against the Chicago Bears again, well...we're interested. And didn't we write a heartfelt goodbye to this joker two years ago? May 25 12:35pm It's reported that Favre wants to come back and play for the Minnesota Vikings May 25 12:36pm Favre's agent says he is not going to play again May 25 12:37pm Minnesota head coach Brad Childress reportedly lands at Hattiesburg ,MS airport May 25 12:39pm Favre's agent says he cannot speak for his client, just that Favre has not told him that he is going to play another season May 25 12:40pm ESPN insiders report that Cousin Dee has been seen visiting Grandpa May 25 12:41pm Grandpa issues statement saying "That ain't true, wish it was, but it ain't" May 25 12:45pm NFL Network reports that Brett Favre thinks David Letterman should resign May 25 12:50pm Favre's agent in regards to Letterman issues statement saying "Brett Favre has not told me that he thinks David Letterman should have to quit? And on and on it goes. Every few minutes a new rumor, or insider information on Brett Favre. Sure come back, Mr. Favre, the Bears will be more that happy to extract some more revenge on your wishy washy rear end. Hartwell Lake Almost At Full level Upstate Fisherman Rejoice
Well the lake was down almost 16 feet a few months ago and many boat ramps were closed because of the low water levels. Long submerged old highway bridges were seen for the first time since the area was flooded when the lake was built in 1962. But, even though there are lots bass to be caught, upstate anglers seem more concerned with attending "Fire David Letterman" rallies. One such rally drew three people at The Bait Shop, located on the lake. Well, really, just two people were there to for the rally. The third person was there to buy nightcrawlers. One of the two fishermen there for the rally, told The Gazette that "they need to fire David Letterman for saying that trash!" When asked if he was a Sarah Palin supporter, the fisherman said "Palin?! I'm mad about a joke he made about President Reagan on his NBC show back in 1982!" His fishing partner replied "Well, I'm a big fan of Sarah Palin. She's a good 'ol gal and I bet she likes to eat Vienna sausages when she fishes!" |
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