The Prater's Creek Gazette 19th Issue Fall 2008 Page #3 |
Town Holds Luau Night
The adults weren’t the only ones having fun though. A cast of local children performed a play based on the Brady Brunch episode where the family went to Hawaii. The evening wound up with a bang as Uncle Carl, of The Drovers Old Time Medicine Show, showed slides of he and his wife’s recent trip to Hawaii, and gave surfing demonstration. Uncle Carl also gave rousing political speech. Mayor Allen Jones told the Gazette that “the town used to have a “Luau Night” every summer. This ain’t the first time somebody’s got lei’d in Prater’s Creek”. More Historical Artifacts Found Archaeologists recently discovered petrified pieces of wood along the banks of Prater’s Creek. After examining the pieces in their laboratories, it was determined that they were parts of an old washboard dating back to the Pre-Clovis days. Sparky The Mule Chosen “Mule of the Year”
Sparky the Mule, who pulls medicine show wagon for The Drovers Old Time Medicine Show, was unanimously chosen by the staff of writers for Leather & Hide. When asked why the magazine chose the “Mule of the Year” so early, with over three months left in 2008, Senior Editor Richard Mitchell told the Gazette “Aw man, we knew it was over”. Mitchell also added that the photos of Sparky that appear in the magazine required “less retouching and airbrushing than any mule we’ve ever had in the magazine!”
Whacked Out Over "Wacky Day" When Prater’s Creek Elementary school principal Lewis Lockabee came up with the idea of having “Wacky Day” at school, he had thoughts of a fun and zany way to end the school term. In a bulletin sent home to parents, it was explained that “It’s gonna be wacky on ‘Wacky Day’ at Prater’s Creek Elementary Students can do fun things such as the boys dressing like the girls, the girls dressing like the boys, or they can dress as senior citizens. They’ll be plenty of laughs on ‘Wacky Day’”. Syndicated conservative radio personality, Rust Limburger, got wind of Mr. Lockabee’s and immediately interrupted his planned broadcast and accused the school of “promoting alternative lifestyles and striking at the heart and core of God loving South Carolinians”. Triangle Orchestra Gives Excellent Performance Dalvin, who started the Prater’s Creek Triangular Orchestra just a few months ago, conducted his creation in a concert last Saturday. The orchestra, that positions their chairs in big triangle, was joined by world renowned triangulist Raichmonoff Toposky. Lifestyles
DEAR RAMONA Dear Ramona, I am a married mother of three, and my husband, “Percival”, just gambled away all of our savings. He said he did it because he was drunk, and only gets the urge to gamble when he’s drunk. Ramona, he swears he’ll never do it again. Should I believe him? Wondering on Walnut Street
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