Dear |
Ramona |
Oooba dooba dooba ooo! Dooba ooba da dooha doo?!
You are just going to have to decide which supermodel you want to date and
tell all the others to leave you alone. If you don't clear this up with all
these young women, all of your time is going to he taken up with them wining
and dining you. Spending all of their money on you, and flying you of on
their private jets to bikini fashion shouts on beautiful tropical islands.
If you settle this soon you can start making more shows with your family's
bluegrass band.
The more you try to juggle the Naomi's, Cindy's, Christy's and Claudia's of
the runway, the more trouble you are going to cause these poor girls and
yourself. Why, poor Kate Moss was so distraught over you not wanting to date
her exclusively that she had to check herself into a hospital! You need to
find a local girl that knows how to cook, hunt, and has childbearing hips,
then settle down.
What do you think about somebody that'd borrow your best iron skillet and
never return it? I let my best friend, my ex-best friend, borrow my county
fair, blue ribbon winning, fried chicken cooking skillet. And Ramona, she
never returned it! It just bums me up to know she's using my best skillet
while I'm making do with one of my other skillets. But these other skillets
just don't have the magic. What should 1 do?
Gertie Moss. if I've told you once. I've told a thousand times.---- I gave
you that skillet back! I've offered to pay you hon', but I can't
take :his arguing over that dang skillet!'
Gert, me and you have been best friends for over fifty years and I'm telling
you dear, 1 ain't got the skillet! Did you check to see if you left it at
church that time our Sunday School class cooked for everybody?
New Jersey Youngster
Visit's Prater's Creek
The Make A Wish Come True Foundation was able to help another child. No it
was not a terminally ill child, but a youngster growing up in New Jersey. It
seems that Vincent Cartucci, a twelve-year-old lad growing up in Newark,
wrote the foundation and told them how much he wanted to visit Prater's
Creek. The twelve year old, a big fan of The Drovers Old Time Medicine
Show, had the deed to one square inch of land that the band included in
their last CD "Melissa's Waltz" hanging on his bedroom wall. He often
dreamed of visiting Prater's Creek and doing the things that some of the
band's songs talked about.
"I have never been fishing" the boy's pitiful letter said. "My mother says I
would get sick if I ate anything out of the rivers in Newark anyhow."
The foundation was so touched by the little boy's letter that they
immediately contacted The Drovers Old Time Medicine Show and the band
said "sure, send him on down!" Little Vinnie stayed at the
farm for two weeks. "I got to go fishing and play horseshoes!!" the renewed
youth said. "I've never had so much fun!" When asked what his favorite part
of the visit was, Vinnie thought and said "dem pretty gurhls!! Der not all
painted up down heah. Or all the good food I got to eat when these pretty
girls asked me to their house for dinner, er I mean supper! I had never had
chicken without the catchatorri! But probably the best part was sitting on
the front porch of Livwright's General store and whittling!" Betty Astor of
the Make A Wish Come True Foundation says if you would like to host a child
from an industrial city up north, then contact her at (864) 5555-WISH.
"These children need our help" Astor said.
Local Textile Worker----
New Record Holder
Of Most Keys

Local textile worker John Macauley is the new world's record holder of
carrying the most keys on a key ring. Mr. Macauley set the record
carrying 4,739 keys on his key ring. He says he never takes an old key off
the ring. "See this key right here?" Macauley asked pointing to an old worn
out key. "This key is to my Vrooom bike I had as a kid back in 1967. This
key here is to my high school locker. Even though I quit school in the tenth
grade, I still have my locker key." Mr. Macauley will be entering Easley
Baptist Hospital next week for hip replacement surgery. Unfortunately,
the insurance plan at Roger Mengele Textiles will not be covering the
